Challenging a traffic ticket can prove costly, writes The Star's Ellen Roseman
Long-time personal finance columnist and consumer rights advocate at The Toronto Star, Ellen Roseman writes on Saturday, January 31,...
Traffic court disclosure the norm for self-represented litigants in Ontario
In a recent case before the Ontario Court of Appeal, Mary Paterson, a lawyer with the Toronto firm of Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt, raised...

Traffic tickets, radar and unmarked police cars
If you get a traffic ticket or a speeding ticket, it is a good idea defend your driving record. While speeding is never a good idea and...
Using Twitter to warn other drivers of annual R.I.D.E. program?
The annual R.I.D.E. program will launch soon, in time for holiday parties. The R.I.D.E. program has been very effective at helping to...